Monsters and Pizza

It was a bust day in the studio. First, I continued to paint my comic book mural, hoping to add more “mature” comic related characters and logos to it.


Later on, I continued to work on my performance film. This time, instead of sitting down on my chair reading, I performed to the lyrics of one of my favorite songs, Flawed Design by Stabilo. It is a very moving song, and it relates to me on a personal level like no other song has. Thanks to Kate, I performed three versions of myself in-sync with the lyrics: first time was in my studio, and the second and third was in the downstairs studio. The third attempt was by far the best, as I was in near perfect sync with the song. Kate has booked us a room for next Wednesday, one with nothing to obstruct the camera. I will try to do more camera work tomorrow, if we have time.

For the rest of the day, I worked on my studio artwork. For my food collage, I took my work into new territory. First, I bought a medium domino’s pizza, and after I had eaten most of the pizza, I took the empty box back upstairs, and stuck various food packaging into it. This serves as an expansion of an aspect of the vices (gluttony) and continues my use of collage. 20161123_140751

Once I had stuck everything on, I went to the library and printed out the following images: lips (for he pizza box), and a sheet of cropped body parts of famous universal horror film stars (Lugosi, Karloff and Lou Chaney).

I stuck the lips onto my packing, finishing my practice outcome.


After that, I made a photomontage of all the parts of the Universal stars, similar to how Frankenstein made his monster.


I finished my last paintings for the day, and headed off.


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